Get Involved
There are many ways to get involved including attending meetings, sharing ideas, volunteering, and donating items or money.
Check out our meeting minutes for volunteer opportunities and please consider joining one of our committees! Some are listed below.
Visit our Support Us page for more information about monetary donations.
Committees List
Fall Fundraiser
Description: Our only PHS PTO Fundraiser is a direct donation. PHS PTO is a non profit organization, so donations are tax deductible. Many companies also have matching gift programs.
Chairpeople: Amanda Fillipone
Description: Coordinate Freshman Orientation, Welcome Back Staff Luncheon, monthly staff events and a Staff Appreciation Luncheon.
Teacher Grants
Chairperson: Maureen Nee
Description: Distribute Grant Application to PHS Staff, work with principal to prioritize requests and meet with parent committee to develop a recommendation for Teacher Grants.
Student Events
Chairpeople: Tara Coelho
Description: Develop recommendations for meaningful PTO-sponsored student events and work with committee to implement events.
PTO Scholarships
Chairperson: Rachel Drago
Description: Submit application to Guidance, review applications and work with parent committee to develop recommendation for 4 recipients. Each will receive a $500 scholarship. Parents of Seniors may not be a part of this committee.
Volunteer Coordinator
Chairperson: Alison Sokol (
Description: Distribute parent volunteer form and compile a data base and provide lists of volunteers to event chairpeople.
Web Master
Chairperson: Jessica Clark (
Description: Update the PHS PTO Website to keep it current.